Chancellor Communications
Chancellor Reports
Quarterly Board of Regents reports submitted by Chancellor Khator since she assumed her post in January 2008.
Chancellor Announcements
- 11/30 Fraud & Non-Compliance
- 11/17 VC/VP of Student Affairs Appointed
- 10/09 UHS Board of Regents Appointments
- 05/03 VC/VP of Student Affairs Search Committee Announcement
- 04/17 Gregory King Appointed to Board of Regents
- 03/03 Commitment to Diversity and Equal Opportunity
- 01/10 Senior VC of Academic Affairs & UH Provost Appointed
- 12/07 New VC/VP for Research
- 12/06 UHD President
- 11/04 Sexual Misconduct Policy
- 11/01 UHCL President Search Committee
- 09/16 UHCL President Staples
- 06/02 Title IX and UHS Sexual Misconduct Policy
- 05/06 Senior VP/VC of Admin & Finance Appointed
- 02/04 Update on UHV Transition from UH Sugar Land and UH System Cinco Ranch
- 02/03 Change in Leadership
- 01/21 Welcome Back and Update